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ESR label earned by Pluxee Luxembourg

June 18, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Pluxee Luxembourg has been granted the prestigious ESR (Socially Responsible Enterprise) label, in recognition of our deep commitment to corporate social responsibility.

This label, conferred by the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR), is a major step forward in our strategy of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR).

We are particularly proud to be the first in our industry to be ESR certified. This demonstrates our determination to stand out not only through the quality of our services, but also through our commitment to making a positive impact on a large scale.

Concept of the ESR Label

The ESR label is a pledge of quality and reliability for companies that integrate social and environmental concerns into their activities and interactions with all their stakeholders. It is based on several fundamental pillars:

  1. Responsible Governance : Transparency, ethics and decision-making that takes social and environmental impact into account.
  2. Social Commitment : Employee well-being, fairness and inclusion.
  3. Environment : Reducing our ecological footprint and managing resources sustainably.
  4. Relation with Stakeholders : Commitment to customers, suppliers and communities.

To obtain this label, a company must demonstrate its commitment through concrete actions, policies and practices in line with the principles of sustainable development.

A strong, committed CSR strategy

At Pluxee Luxembourg, our CSR strategy is based on a long-term vision that aims to integrate sustainable development issues at the core of our business model. Here are some of the key initiatives that have contributed to our ESR label:

Environmental Commitment
  • Reducing our carbon footprint: Implementing practices aimed at reducing our energy consumption and using renewable energy sources.
  • Managing waste: Adoption of policies to reduce, reuse and recycle waste generated by our activities.
Social Commitment
  • Employee well-being: Providing a healthy and stimulating work environment, with ongoing training and professional development programs.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting equal opportunities and implementing measures to encourage diversity within our teams.
Responsible Governance
  • Transparency: Clear and transparent communication with all our stakeholders.
  • Ethics: Adopting ethical practices in all our transactions and business decisions.
Community involvement
  • Local initiatives: Active participation in community projects and support for local initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life in surrounding communities.

Pluxee Luxembourg's future

Obtaining the ESR label is recognition of our commitment, but this is only the beginning. We are determined to continue innovating and strengthening our CSR strategy, integrating new sustainable practices and listening to our stakeholders.

Pluxee Luxembourg's certification with the ESR label is not just an honorary distinction, but a profound commitment to conducting our business in a responsible and sustainable manner. We're proud of what we've achieved and look forward to continuing on this path, inspiring others to join us on the journey towards a more sustainable future.